Sunday 26 February 2012

Swisspers Cleansing Makeup Remover Pads

I bought these Swisspers Cleansing eye makeup remover pads from Priceline recently because their cute small size caught my eye. I thought that they would be perfect for traveling or to put into your handbag.

They are hypo-allergenic and contain aloe vera and vitamin E. On the packaging it also states that they can remove even waterproof makeup including waterproof mascara.

Unlike lots of other makeup wipes which I have tried, these were actually very moist when you get them out of the packet which was a nice surprise. I also love the convenient packaging but that means that you need to use 2-3 wipes to remove all the makeup off your face. Most importantly, these wipes did not cause me any allergic reactions nor did they irritate my eczema.
Even though this product has some great features, there are two things that let this product down for me. Firstly, the wipes are relatively thick so that makes it hard to reach and adequately remove under-eye mascara and eyeliner. The other thing is that it did not remove all the mascara off my eyes. I used normal mascara and still had panda eyes when I washed my face after using these wipes so I can just imagine that it will be even more difficult to remove waterproof mascara.
Although this product is not great for removing mascara, it  does remove all traces of foundation and I think it is great especially on hot days.
The Swisspers cleansing makeup remover pads retail at $3.95 for a pack of 30.
Have you tried this product? What did you think of it?


  1. awesome review :) These are great for keeping in your handbag because of the size :) xx

  2. oh yeh theres been a few times where i open the packet and my wipes are dry as paper lol

  3. Awesome review! I usually just go for the baby wipes and properly cleanse my face afterwards:)

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