Friday 6 January 2012

Nail polish of the week - NYC Lolly Pop

At the end of last year my nail polish collection was looking rather dry so I threw out a whole lot of nail polishes and have started slowly building up my collection again.

I like to change my nail polish quite often so I am hoping to do a quick post every week about the new nail polish colour which I am wearing. Hope you enjoy my very first nail polish review!

I bought this NYC nail polish in the colour Lolly Pop at Big W for $2. I have noticed that NYC is also available at Woolworths and some pharmacies around the place. Given that this nail polish is only $2, I had to give it a try and I am so glad that I did because I am really impressed with the quality!

The colour "Lolly Pop" is a beautiful purple which contains many small silver specks.It is not a glitter nail polish but I can just imagine that it will be hard to remove. In the picture I only applied one coat of polish and that is all I needed since it was a nice consistency - not too runny or too dry.

Overall I have been impressed with the quality of this NYC nail polish and will definitely be purchasing more. They are not only exceptional quality but also great value.


  1. Love the colour! I had one similar, and loved it to bits, but lost it! x

  2. Hi there! Congrats on starting your blog!! We subscribe to your YT and are now following your blog via GFC. We'd love for you to visit our blog and follow and subscribe to our YT channel if you like.

    BTW the polish is so pretty! We have a serious love affair with nail polish! We even do a polish of the month post each month to highlight some of our favorite polishes! :-)

    Jayme & Mendi

  3. That colour is gorgeous, such a bargain! xx

  4. Hey Ms Billi Lilli, I have just nominated you as a recipient of the Liebster Blog Award! Please check out this link back to my blog for more information :)

  5. ooh what a beautiful colour, I really love it! love your blog too!


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