Monday 2 January 2012

My Blogger journey begins

I have created this blog to take you on my journey as a beauty and fashion lover.  After following many amazing blogs I have been inspired to finally create one of my own. This is something that I have wanted to do for a while now but have never felt ready to commit to it simply because it takes a lot of time and effort to keep on top of my YouTube channel.  I know that I have a lot more to offer so this blog will complement my YouTube channel. On this blog I will share my thoughts, feelings and creativity with you about all things beautiful.  I hope you enjoy coming on this journey with me and if you have a blog feel free to write me a comment and I will be happy to check it out and follow.

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I always read all of my lovely comments. Make sure you check back as I often reply :) If you wish to ask me anything inparticular and want to guartuntee a quicker response then you can always tweet me (@Billi_Lilli) and send me an email! Thank you for all of your support xx